Development Viability

Local Plan and CIL Viability Studies

Three Dragons has extensive experience of undertaking economic viability studies for both residential and non-residential development schemes across a wide variety of location types including high density urban areas (e.g. London and Manchester) through to remote rural settings, including national parks. Our studies have been used to inform local plans, supplementary planning documents, master plans and Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedules as well as planning applications.

Using the Three Dragons Toolkit, a bespoke viability model, we can assist local authorities in plan making, development management and scheme negotiations. We also work with both local authorities and/or private developers in testing site specific economics.  

We have undertaken many area wide viability studies in a range of locations across the UK and regularly provide evidence at local plan examination to ensure plans and CIL charging schedules are found sound.

We have particular expertise in viability appraisal of older persons housing and prepared the RHG Guide to viability appraisal of specialist housing which is extensively used at CIL and Local Plan Examinations.

Site-specific Viability Assessments

The Three Dragons Toolkit, combined with an in-depth understanding of the development process enables us to assess the deliverability and viability of individual sites for landowners, developers and local authorities. This includes informing discussions on s106 (including the level of affordable housing to be provided), site capacity, mix and infrastructure requirements which helps guide policy making, funding and investment decisions.

Our comprehensive knowledge of development costs and values means we can appraise obligations and review viability appraisals to advise on reasonable requirements and identify whether further expertise is required, for example, regarding site infrastructure costs. Our experience of site-specific studies ranges from small rural sites to large urban extensions and includes older persons housing.

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