Exeter CIL review charging schedule found sound

date Released On 30th Nov 2023

The Exeter CIL review charging schedule has been found sound by examiner Keith Holland of Intelligent Plans and Examinations.  Three Dragons provided Exeter City Council with a CIL Viability Assessment (read more here) that included the viability evidence to inform the review, which had a number of interesting aspects.  The CIL review was a update of some CIL rates to address some specific issues that had emerged since the original charging schedule was adopted in December 2013, with the emergence of new forms of development (co-living and build to rent), the increased importance of brownfield higher density development and the maturing of purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) market in the city. The viability evidence assessed the different economics of these four forms of development and recommended new CIL rates that recognised their specific characteristics. Three Dragons also provided a separate report providing background and justification to only review these specialised forms of development of PBSA, co-living, build to rent and flatted development (read more here).

The Council is proposing to implement the new charges in January 2024.

The examination report can be found here.

Tags: Development Viability

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