Court of Appeal Ruling change planning definition of Gypsy and Travellers
Released On 17th Jul 2023
In October 2022 the Court of Appeal concluded that the definition set out in the Government's Planning Policy for Travellers Sites, 2015 is discriminatory in relation to the negative impact on those gypsies and travellers who had permanently ceased to travel due to old age or illness, but who lived or wanted to live in a caravan. The judgement can be found here
Whilst the case relates to a specific planning application, we await as whether similar cases are brought forward and the potential impact on future gypsy, traveller and travelling show people needs assessments, gypsy, traveller and travelling show people pitch identification studies, local plan policies and decision making around gypsies and travellers pitches. We also await as to whether the government will decide to amend Planning Policy for Travellers Sites 2015 found here